“Fight for yourself. Stop being a punching bag for other people because people don’t live with the regret of stopping. You do! -Amie Burnis


Amie Burnis, the author of SoulFED: Rising up Through The Moments That Broke You, knows how life likes to throw us in deep waters. Yet, with all these, she did not give up. Instead, she found the courage to fight for herself and rediscover her self-worth. Tune in as Bruce and Amie share how to create the freedom you need to change your reality and where to find the strength to rise again. They also talked about finding your value internally rather than from external sources, giving yourself a fighting chance, trusting the timing, pushing through things despite the discomfort, and empowering yourself through values and powerful words. You have all the power to create your reality, it’s just a matter of allowing yourself to use it. Go and live a life you do not regret living.


02:09 Personal Journey is the Key to Growth and Success

07:47 Get Going

14:05 Your Value Does Not Depend on Others 

18:08 Give Yourself a Fighting Chance

25:50 Fight for Yourself 

31:40 Get Rid of the Word “Try”

38:52 Stay Focus on WHO YOu Are, Not Where You Are

44:32 The Struggle is Okay!

49:26 You DESERVE Help

54:51 Share as Much as You Can





As long as you have breath left in your body, there is never “too late”. Learn how to create the freedom and energy you need to live your dream with Bruce and SoulFED author, Amie Burnis! #podcast #RecipesForAGreatLife #SoulFED #Transformation… Share on X



03:13 “You have to start some sort of personal development journey to find yourself growing and having any kind of success.” -Amie Burnis 

10:17 “The longer you persist on something, the more it will come in. They will come back in to help you learn that lesson that you didn’t want to learn.” -Amie Burnis

14:37 “Just because you don’t resonate or like my work, that doesn’t make me less worthy and less valuable. That doesn’t impact who I am.” -Amie Burnis 

15:00 “Nobody will do it the way you will do it. Nobody has the same way of sharing something as you. You are the only you on this earth. So if you have an idea, do it the way that feels authentic to you, and it WILL matter.” -Amie Burnis   

15:33 “If it’s in your heart, it’s for you. Don’t let the doubt hold you back more than your faith in your ability to create and add value to this world.” -Amie Burnis

17:27 We’re not worthy because we have to put something out in this world. You are this extension of a universe creating force.” -Amie Burnis

18:11 “If you’re not getting outside, if you’re not being active, if you’re not taking care of yourself, you are not giving yourself a fighting chance.” -Amie Burnis

21:42 “There are never mistakes and timing.” -Amie Burnis

22:43 “There’s never ‘too late’. There’s always something you can do to push yourself forward if you were still living and breathing on this earth.” -Amie Burnis 

25:41 “People who are considered real winners do it no matter what to get the outcome that they’re looking for.” –Bruce Jeppesen 

26:09 “Fight for yourself. Stop being a punching bag for other people because people don’t live with the regret of stopping. You do! -Amie Burnis

28:38 “Life is going to go by anyway, why not use your time to make the changes you want?” -Amie Burnis 

32:06 “Another word to get rid of is the word ‘try’. It’s either you are or you aren’t.” –Bruce Jeppesen

37:30 “The biggest gift we could give our kids is to teach them that they have the power to create their own reality.” -Amie Burnis 

40:10 “You have to stay so focused on who and what you are now, instead of where you are. We’re always focused on this gap, instead of focusing on that person that we want to be.” -Amie Burnis

42:26 “Keep focusing on what you want. Not the lack of it.” -Amie Burnis

44:36 “The struggle is okay. You’re going to have it, but you can push through it. It’s okay to give yourself permission to go through it. You don’t have to seek somebody’s permission to go through it.” -Bruce Jeppesen


Meet Amie:

Author Amie Burnis is a Life Transformation Specialist. She spends countless hours researching and implementing life-changing processes and tools. It is her absolute passion and she shares the tools, her experiences, and her gentle guidance with you. She is a mother of four amazing children, who she credits as being the reason she is always learning, growing, and evolving. She loves all things health, wellness, body, mind, and spirit. She LOVES the sun and summertime, which is kind of ironic considering she lives in the Frozen Tundra state of Wisconsin.