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Recipe #38: Quit Shrinking Yourself

  “If you want growth, if you want to change— start.” -Bruce Jeppesen   Having self-confidence is a priceless gift we can give ourselves. It is the cornerstone of a happy, healthy life. It is important that we feel good about ourselves because it affects how we treat others and how they treat us. Moreover, it is a need

Recipe #38: Quit Shrinking Yourself2022-06-28T02:20:32+00:00

Recipe #37: ALL IN— How to Build a Successful Business From Zero with Jefferson Rogers

  “You were meant to do great things, and whether you think so right now is irrelevant.” -Jefferson Rogers   Being an entrepreneur is great. Besides being rewarded for your hard work, you can also enjoy being your own boss.  However, you may be intimidated by the thought of starting a business because you are afraid that it will

Recipe #37: ALL IN— How to Build a Successful Business From Zero with Jefferson Rogers2022-06-14T04:50:27+00:00

Recipe #36: No Regrets, No Excuses— Be the Winner! with Tanner Bleskin

   “Hand-in-hand with being a winner is being a hard worker.” -Tanner Bleskin   Being a winner begins each day when you wake up, with a mindset that every day can be a great day! That every situation has many different outcomes, depending on how we choose to handle it! Choosing a positive outcome for every situation will set

Recipe #36: No Regrets, No Excuses— Be the Winner! with Tanner Bleskin2022-06-07T02:12:28+00:00

Recipe #35: The Stresses of Finances

  “There has to be a starting point. It can be that tiniest little thing that makes you feel good and that will help you progress. Do it. You don't need anybody's permission.” -Bruce Jeppesen   It's the end of the month, and all you can think about is how much money you have left. You're trying to pay

Recipe #35: The Stresses of Finances2022-05-23T09:01:44+00:00

Recipe #34: Procrastination- What Does It Truly Cost Us?

  “If there's something you want to try, go do it. Just go have fun.” -Bruce Jeppessen   The reason why procrastination has such a bad reputation is that it does damage—and not just to our relationships but also to our own sense of self-worth and productivity. Moreover, putting things off means those things will add up over time

Recipe #34: Procrastination- What Does It Truly Cost Us?2022-05-23T08:56:34+00:00

Recipe #33: Never Give Regret a Chance with Philip Sessions

  “Whatever you're trying to go after, just go after it. Worst case, you go back to where you are now. But don't live that life with regret. Go take a chance. Life's too short.” -Philip Sessions   Life's too short to even give regret a chance. And the good news is, regret is completely avoidable if we start

Recipe #33: Never Give Regret a Chance with Philip Sessions2022-04-04T13:55:12+00:00

Recipe #32: How to Live a Life UnScared with Scott Simons

  “I can't live in this dark side where I'm out to prove everybody wrong. I want to prove to the people that I have always been there right.” -Scott Simons   We are so busy in our daily lives that we never take the time to do what we really want to do. We just accept a regular

Recipe #32: How to Live a Life UnScared with Scott Simons2022-04-04T14:20:40+00:00

Recipe #31: The Unwritten Rules of Being an Expert with Kevin Tetz Part 2

  “When you become an expert, people will recognize your expertise and reward you for it.” -Kevin Neils Tetz   Becoming an expert takes some time and effort. No one rises to power overnight. In fact, many people never reach there at all. Becoming an expert requires that we go through a journey of pain and learning. The resources

Recipe #31: The Unwritten Rules of Being an Expert with Kevin Tetz Part 22022-02-21T23:25:02+00:00

Recipe #30: Embracing Diversity in the Car World with Kevin Tetz Part 1

  “The measure of a society is the kindness that we extend to each other.”  -Kevin Neils Tetz   The automotive industry has long been considered a man’s field, with women being few and far between when it comes to key positions at automakers and in the car industry as a whole. In order to embrace diversity in an

Recipe #30: Embracing Diversity in the Car World with Kevin Tetz Part 12022-02-21T23:15:56+00:00

Recipe #29: Branding- What It IS and What It’s NOT with David Brier

  “One has to be hungry to want to know. One has to be hungry to want to grow, to want to do better than their last best moment.” -David Brier   The importance of a brand is essential to the success and longevity of any business. It is the primary differentiator between you and your competition. Branding also

Recipe #29: Branding- What It IS and What It’s NOT with David Brier2022-02-08T22:43:49+00:00
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